Printronix ODV Printers

Online Data Validation


ODV Brochure

ODV-2D Thermal Printer Validator

ODV-1D vs ODV-2D

T5000r Brochure and specifications

Online Data Validation Certification


What is Online Data Validation?

Online Data Validation (ODV) analyzes every bar code printed with the Printronix T5000 thermal printer to assure that it meets the most stringent scanning standards. More importantly, it analyzes each bar code immediately after the label is printed without reducing throughput. This 100% inspection verifies that the bar code print image falls well within each bar code's symbology specifications, resulting in a scannable bar code. ODV stops bad bar codes from getting into the production or distribution system, which could lead to a shut down of operations. The positive result? Increased system efficiency and more solid trading partner relationships.

When you print with ODV, the bar codes on your boxes will be as good as the products inside.

Bottom line, ODV:

• Evaluates every bar code providing total scanning assurance.

• Combined with Printronix' PrintNet® Plus, provides unprecedented visibility of mission-critical bar coding tasks and a complete audit trail of print job results.

• Eliminates the need for costly human intervention in the validation process.

You'll know what was supposed to print, what actually printed, and the quality of that printing – instantly!


online data validation


How ODV tests the bar codes

• Analyzes the incoming datastream and finds every bar code command on each label.

• The label is printed and each bar code image is scanned and tested to its bar code symbology specifications.

• ODV correlates every bar code test result with the incoming datastream's bar code commands.

• If all the bar codes meet specifications, the label is good and ready for use. If the label does not meet specifications, ODV uses its datastream analysis to cancel the "bad" label and print a "good" replacement label.

• ODV action is automatic and takes place without any host program modification.

How ODV "closes the loop"

• The test results and the decoded alphanumeric data for every bar code is viewable at the printer control panel. They are also sent over the printer network for viewing by PrintNet Plus management software.

• This data is displayed and stored in an XML file, which can be used to compare the printed bar codes with the datastream sent to the printer.

• The file can also be saved as a quality control record for future use.

Online Data Validation closes the loop for your bar code label printing process, resulting in total bar code quality control.



Printronix ODV printers


Printronix Printers

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